Josh Picture

Josh 🤷🏻‍♀️

creating free open-source libraries for communities. crafting software that brings users joy. special interests in design-systems, components APIs and composable architectures.

currently engineering at strapi. previously at companion, sennep & applied works.


A spring physics based animation library.
A react renderer for threejs in the browser or native.
A react test renderer for threejs in node.
Simple tools for creating interoperable CJS & ESM packages.


MacOS Dock
November 2022
Theme Toggle
September 2022


  • Why I rebuilt the react-spring docs.

    A look at why sometimes your docs need a complete rewrite & why react-spring needed it.

    Coming Soon


Reach me at @_josh_ellis_ or email. Alternatively, take a closer look at my work @joshuaellis